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Estate Address

The address is:

4614 Kirker St

Loxahatchee Florida

The property is down several long dirt roads which become more narrow as you go.

The event gate will have red balloons on it and the entry has little orange traffic cones.

If you are taking an uber, please get dropped off at the entry gate and walk to the house.

If you are driving, park by the other cars near the barn. Please don't block cars if you can, sometimes people

have to come and go during the event.

My personal number if anyone is lost or has a question is 561-600-8906. Please email anything that isn't urgent because my

reception up here is awful for casual discussions.

People have asked about bringing me a gift. This is super kind of you but I would much rather you support my EDEN fundraiser

that I have been posting about on twitter. That would mean the world to me. Thank you!

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